I would like to thank the ASQ Quality Progress Magazine publication Getting to Know Luciana Paulise, on the November edition, to celebrate World Quality Month.
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- Where do you live? Beaumont, Texas
- What’s the highest academic degree you’ve obtained? From where? Master in Business Administration, CEMA University in Argentina.
- Is there a teacher who influenced you more than others? Why? Tony Abraham and David Cox, they were the ones that introduced me to continuous improvement. They were so passionate about the subject, the way they explained SMED simply captivated me, I still remember it.
- What did you consider your introduction to quality? This might be your first job in quality, or it might be a class, or something else altogether. My second work as an intern was for a business consultant that implemented ISO 9001, which was my first formal approach to quality.
- Did/do you have a mentor who has made/makes a difference in your career? There were several people that guided me in my most important career decisions: Miguel Skubic, Raul Orellano, Sandro Adolf and Miguel Serricchio.