There is no better way to keep something clean than to prevent it from getting dirty in the first place. How do you prevent it? By assigning clear owners for the maintenance of each location/item. This is micro-step #7 in the 5S methodology, the first one in the shine step, to achieve self-organization and stop procrastination.
Of course, everyone in your team will be complaining, seriously wondering why they need to clean, as it is not part of their job description. What about the cleaning staff? What about maintenance? Their complaint may look accurate and fair, though it is also fair to realize that you are the most knowledgeable about what your section needs. Users know what is going on in their areas. They know what is dirty, and they also probably understand why it is dirty. Even though cleaning responsibilities may be assigned to a team dedicated only to cleaning and maintaining, it is vital to involve the operations personnel. They all need to sit together to decide what is required, how frequently, what standard is required, or what is considered acceptable, and what is the best time to clean or do maintenance work.
The power of ownership
US Navy seals write in their book Extreme Ownership that “Extreme ownership is the number one characteristic of any high-performing winning team.” “We blame our own performance on bad luck, circumstances beyond our control, or poorly performing subordinates – anyone but ourselves.” Assign responsibilities for maintenance to every single member of the team and take responsibility for your own section. At first, you all will blame others, but you will have to accept the responsibility for failure and find ways to help your team keep your area clean if you want to solve the problem.
I have found it exciting and inspiring that most of the team members in an organization are willing to repair, paint, clean tools, floors, machines, walls, etc. There are many benefits of doing the shine yourself for your area: you can do it the way you really need it. You can do it slowly, without interrupting work. Most of the time, you know exactly what needs to be done and how. And most importantly, you know how to maintain it. Team members get more involved emotionally with the workplace when they have been engaged in the shining process. They feel like real owners. And they start taking maintenance more seriously. Well-implemented cleaning programs have long-term benefits when it comes to employee morale and flagging abnormalities.
Plus, one of the great things about 5S is that its effects are contagious.