Microstep #5: Define a home for ease of use

This microstep is the habit of always organizing objects in a functional way, which allows you to immediately find what is needed when it is needed and especially how it is needed.
Now that you have defined what you need within reach, decide what best place to store it is, choose “a home.”
What is “home”? The home is the location where you are going to store the item while you are not using it. Once you use it, you put it back in the same place.
The home is a known location for everyone else. It is not a home just because you say so, “I have always stored it here, so this the home.” It is “the home” once you identified it or made it clear to everyone else what it is. Ask your team members, and ask yourself:
● Is this object placed in the right place regarding its weight?
● Is this object placed in the right place regarding its size?
● Is this object placed in the right place to maintain the quality of its specifications?
● Is this object placed in the right place to ensure the location is safe?
To identify the identification and location of objects, use labels, colors, signs, diagrams, containers, and before and after pictures to facilitate finding everything and keeping it as is.
Tools and devices must be labeled or outlined in the most effective position to help you use them. Trash cans, restrooms, extinguishers, and cleaning supply areas can have wall signs indicating where they are so that they can be easily located. Some companies buy tool boards for every workstation, which in some cases could be helpful, but not in others. Sometimes you only have a couple of tools at a specific location.
For more information, you can read the Store chapter in the book 5S Your life, or go to www.Theweculture.com to download our App to access free content, courses and audits templates.