5S Store: Store back immediately after use
Store immediately after use. This 5S habit reminds you to get things done: store everything in its place right after you use it, or the job is not finished.
Store immediately after use. This 5S habit reminds you to get things done: store everything in its place right after you use it, or the job is not finished.
nd it has three stages or microsteps. The first in is to prioritize what you need to use every day by frequency of use. You need to be able to retrieve things quickly when you need them. It’s time to determine where and when you need the items to allow for an efficient workflow.
‘Seiketsu,’ or Japanese for “standardizing,” is the fourth step in the 5S process. Now that you know what you need, where to store it and how to maintain it, make it official! This stage builds on the idea of sharing best practices, auditing and checking in on 5S efforts with regularity. By standardizing the approach to 5S, organizational efforts are sustained in the long run by everyone, everywhere.
The 5S methodology takes seriously every single issue, exposes it, and requires a solution to solve it, reduce it, or contain it. Expose complex issues is micro-step #8 in the 5S Your Life, the second one in the shine step, to achieve self-organization and stop procrastination.
There is no better way to keep something clean than to prevent it from getting dirty in the first place. How do you prevent it? By assigning clear owners for the maintenance of each location/item. This is micro-step #7 in the 5S Your Life methodology, the first one in the shine step, to achieve self-organization and stop procrastination.