This simple step is one of the keys to the 5S method. The main objective of 5S is to help develop a culture where team members anticipate issues, clean as soon as it gets dirty, and, especially, work to ensure cleanliness with the least effort possible.
Every employee needs to be trained to wonder why some things get dirty or why some things often fail, and work towards eliminating the root cause of the problem, containing the issue or reducing it. Through time, individuals learn the habit of asking why things are a certain way and how they can change them.
Clean the “hard to clean” places, but, above all, propose ideas to make cleaning easier!
The first microstep was to assign responsibilities. Then the second one was to expose blind spots. Now that you have exposed them, you can’t escape from it. The third micro-step in the Shine phase is either to eliminate problems or, at least, make them easier to clean.
How do you make them easier to clean?
To enforce 5S, you shouldn’t use coercion, but you should use convenience. Locate tools and supplies in a convenient place, close to where you need them to make it easier to clean.
You can also use devices to help you clean. Some machines have wheels to be able to move them to clean the bottom. Some others have removable pans so that you can easily remove waste. At home, for example, to clean under the bed, buy a mattress that has large legs, and have them exposed so that you can clean it more easily. You can also use devices like the “Roomba” vacuum cleaner to go under the beds, chairs and sofas more easily.

Still, this will only be a reactive approach to the issue. Now, also think about it with a preventive mindset.
Some tips:
- Identify the sources of dirt, leaks, dust or any type of disturbances
- Turn problems into smaller and manageable pieces
- How to Perform a root cause analysis
- Make challenging locations easy to clean
Learn more by getting my book 5S Your life.